With a great feature set, sometimes little things make a big difference. When it comes to design, customization is key. Now, you have more flexibility to customize design elements in your floorplan layouts. Check out what’s new in Prismm OPS – the following release notes include existing feature enhancements for objects and text, along with a bug fix.
1. Place and size rulers more quickly. Change ruler color to enhance visibility.
Previously, when adding a ruler (located on the objects toolbar) to a floorplan layout, click-and-drag provided the only option to get the desired size for the ruler. This made ruler placement and sizing particularly challenging in tight spaces on large floorplans. Additionally, there was no way to customize ruler color. Now add measurements more easily. After placing the ruler, add exact dimensions in the ruler’s options window. The ruler adjusts automatically. Moreover, enhance ruler visibility with the ability customize ruler color.

2. Save custom color palettes to presets for easy reuse.
Initially, the platform provided one default color palette of preset colors, which is fine if those colors meet your needs. However, for those needing to add custom colors and make them easy to access for reuse, additional custom colors couldn’t be saved to the default color palette, which made it more time consuming to find and add custom colors in floorplan layouts. To provide more flexibility when adding custom colors to text and objects, now you can save your custom color palettes to presets so they’re just a click away.
3. Enhanced text formatting allows you to easily customize text labels so they stand out.
Improve label visibility. Add meaning to text. Drive home important points. New text formatting options give you the ability to customize labels your way. In addition to being able to change text color, add emphasis with the format options: Bold, Underline, and Italics.

4. Revert changes with more options for undoing actions.
Make a mistake or change your mind? Changes are inevitable. It’s handy to have more than one way to make a change. Now you have more options for undoing actions. In addition to the icon Undo in the design area, for those who prefer to use keyboard shortcuts, now it’s easy to undo actions using the shortcut ctrl+Z.
Bug Fixes:
1. Enhanced label scaling ensures labels fit properly:
Floorplan layouts are easier to understand when labels fit properly with objects. With improved label scaling, labels fit seamlessly in your floorplan layout. Now labels appear as intended, maintain correct proportions, and fit next to their associated object.