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7 Event Tech Trends in 2024 You Can’t Afford to Overlook

Blog March 8 2024
A surreal image of a business man holding a representation of technology. Image by TungArt7 on pixabay.com/

With tight budgets and numerous obstacles in 2024, we’re all searching for practical solutions that can not only save time and money, but also alleviate stress. Event planning, a role renowned as one of the most stressful jobs in the world, adds an extra layer of significance to the quest for solutions. As we navigate through this demanding landscape, it’s about diving deep into insights that will transform how we organize events, showcase venues – our secret weapon for making every day in the event game a bit smoother and more professional.

Let’s explore the top seven event tech trends in 2024 that you cannot afford to overlook. This isn’t just about finding quick fixes; it’s about uncovering insights that transform event organization, collaboration, personalization, venue showcasing, strategy refinement, client engagement, deal acceleration, and more in the long term.



Event professionals are prioritizing personalization through advanced technologies like data analytics. This strategic approach aims to create highly individualized experiences for attendees, going beyond mere customization to foster engagement and satisfaction. Looking ahead, the integration of data analytics, event mobile apps, and AI chatbots is set to redefine attendee experiences, streamline venue operations, and enhance event planning efficiency, ensuring more successful and impactful events. The key aspects of this personalization revolution:

  • Data-Driven Precision: Analyzing attendee data tailors every aspect of the event, ensuring participants feel valued.
  • Mobile App Agendas and Notifications: Apps provide tailored agendas and updates, keeping attendees informed about relevant sessions.
  • AI Chatbots as Concierge Services: Intelligent virtual assistants offer real-time, personalized assistance, enhancing the attendee journey.
  • Effortless Networking with AI: Bots redefine networking by suggesting connections based on individual preferences.
  • Data-Infused Decision Making: AI chatbots analyze attendee data for actionable insights, refining events based on evolving expectations.

Want to see event planning personalization in action? Book a demo with Prismm (formerly Allseated).


In 2023, the event industry underwent a significant transformation through the widespread incorporation of AI and ML. This year, the deliberate adoption of AI and ML technologies is poised to revolutionize how events are planned, executed, and experienced, heralding an era of increased intelligence and efficiency. Notable facets include:

  • Smart Attendee Assistance: AI chatbots provide real-time support, answer queries, and guide attendees through personalized journeys, ensuring a seamless experience for organizers and venues.
  • Predictive Analytics for Personalization: AI analyzes large datasets for predictive analytics, allowing organizers to anticipate attendee preferences, enhance engagement, and provide personalized recommendations.
  • Efficient Logistics with AI Planning: AI automates tasks such as scheduling and resource allocation, optimizing operations for organizers and ensuring resource efficiency for venues.
  • Dynamic Content Curation: AI-driven algorithms excel at content curation, delivering relevant information from session recommendations to post-event content, maximizing impact and providing valuable insights for future collaborations. 


Advanced tools for event planners create detailed 3D diagrams of event spaces, emphasizing collaborative planning, precise design elements, and the convenience of remote planning with intensified automation. In 2024 and beyond, the significance of 3D diagram software is set to surge, becoming indispensable for crafting visually stunning and efficiently planned events. Here’s a closer look at the pivotal features:

  • Collaborative Efficiency: 3D floorplans provide a collaborative haven, allowing seamless real-time interaction with clients and vendor teams, addressing the perennial challenge of coordinating input and approvals.
  • Visualizing Success 3D: event diagram software offers a lifelike portrayal of floorplan layouts, aiding in envisioning the flow and logistics, and serving as a proactive stage for identifying and addressing any necessary changes well in advance. Utilizing advanced event planning diagram, such as Prismm, enables meticulous design, addressing the pain point of designing accurate layouts, leaving minimal room for errors on the event day.
  • Virtual Walkthroughs for Real-world Success: 3D floorplans through an event planning software facilitate immersive virtual walkthroughs, eliminating the need for on-site and in-person meetings, aligning with the evolving landscape of remote collaboration.
  • Designer Tools for Creative Freedom: Empowering event professionals with creative freedom, designer tools within the software allow for the building of tabletop and buffet displays to scale, eliminating guesswork and ensuring precise visualizations of setups.
  • Efficiency in Remote Planning: The capability for remote event planning is a cornerstone of 3D diagram software, particularly noteworthy in the current landscape where physical meetings may not always be feasible. 


With increasing accessibility, virtual venue tours are becomes indispensable for venues, planners, and customers, offering immersive experiences through digital twins. Streamlined layouts, improved security, and captivating previews are transforming the competitive landscape, making 3D walk through software essential for presenting and selecting venues. This year, virtual tours are becoming a game-changer, reshaping how venues are showcased and chosen. The transformative features of VR that are redefining the landscape: 

  • Remote 3D Virtual Tours: client captivation through remote 3D virtual tours, accelerates deal closures with immersive experiences that dynamically engage prospects at scale. Virtual venue tours provide unparalleled event previews, allowing clients to virtually explore venues before decisions. This feature facilitates more confident decision-making for clients and planners alike.
  • Interactive Product Experiences: Virtual venue tour technology enables interactive experiences, allowing clients to virtually interact with event setups, decor, and amenities. This enhances the understanding of event possibilities and provides customization options for a tailored experience.
  • Optimized Layouts and Security Protocols: Digital twins leads to optimized venue layouts and efficient space utilization. Beyond aesthetics, it strengthens security protocols by simulating and identifying potential vulnerabilities in the event space.
  • Faster Business Closures: VR transforms the sales process, making it more efficient and persuasive. It facilitates swift business closures by providing clients with a realistic understanding of the venue’s potential, streamlining decision-making processes. 


Once optional, mobile event apps have evolved into indispensable tools, with their role set to grow in 2024 and beyond, delivering personalized experiences that reshape overall event satisfaction.

These apps enhance events with personalized schedules, real-time updates, and seamless networking through messaging and virtual business card exchanges. Evolving into ongoing hubs for networking and global reach through live streaming, they collect instant feedback, empowering organizers for an enhanced overall experience. Key features include: 

  • Personalized Agendas for Efficient Schedule Planning: Empowering attendees with personalized agendas ensures efficient schedule planning, providing a tailored event experience that aligns with individual preferences.
  • Real-Time Updates for Attendee Awareness: The inclusion of real-time updates enhances attendee awareness, keeping participants informed about the latest developments and schedule changes.
  • Networking Through In-App Messaging and Virtual Business Card Exchanges: Facilitating seamless networking, these apps offer in-app messaging and virtual business card exchanges, fostering connections among attendees and enhancing professional networking opportunities.
  • Enhanced On-Site Navigation with Interactive Maps: Interactive maps within the app contribute to improved on-site navigation, helping attendees easily locate sessions, booths, and key points of interest.
  • Live Q&A Sessions, Polling Features, and Gamification: The incorporation of live Q&A sessions, polling features, and gamification elements enhances dynamic engagement, making events more interactive and enjoyable.
  • Enriched by AI-Driven Algorithms: AI-driven algorithms further enrich the user experience by providing personalized content recommendations, ensuring that participants receive relevant information tailored to their interests. 


Cloud-based platforms have emerged as powerful tools, revolutionizing how events are approached and executed, introducing efficiency and innovation at every planning stage. In 2024, these platforms will continue to elevate event planning to unprecedented levels, establishing a single source of truth while enhancing efficiency, fostering creativity, and facilitating collaboration. Here’s an exploration of the transformative features:

  • AR Immersion and Effortless Floor Planning: Blending digital and physical realms, these platforms redefine attendee engagement with interactive overlays, personalized guides, and engaging experiences. Unified spaces enable event teams to create precise floorplans effortlessly, immersing themselves in captivating 3D views for impressive results.
  • Automation Excellence: Integration of automation into layout design and furniture spacing extends to day-of-the-event coordination through dedicated apps, streamlining coordination with unprecedented efficiency.
  • Precision Reporting with AR Integration: Augmented Reality enhances reporting precision by leveraging guest data, RSVP reports, and floorplans, ensuring accurate timelines, capacity alignment, and flawless events.
  • Creative Flexibility with Cloud-Based Libraries: Access to extensive venue floor plans and 3D object libraries empowers designers, contributing to the overall aesthetic excellence of events.
  • Efficient Collaboration: Real-time access ensures instant alignment and lasting client relationships for vendors, hosts, and guests, making cloud-based platforms essential for event planning. 


In the current eco-conscious era, event planners adopt sustainability efforts to reduce environmental impact and reshape event planning. These impactful initiatives are gaining traction and will continue to do so this year and beyond. Key initiatives include:

  • Zero-Waste Events: Striving for zero-waste by eliminating single-use plastics, implementing composting stations, and reusable dishware.
  • Green Venues: Prioritizing eco-friendly features and technologies from energy-efficient lighting to water-saving technologies, with incorporated green spaces.
  • Digitalization of Event Processes: Reducing paper usage through digital invitations, event apps, and online registration, enhancing the attendee experience.
  • Carbon Offsetting Programs: Investing in offsetting programs to compensate for the event’s footprint by supporting greenhouse gas reduction projects.
  • Local and Sustainable Sourcing: Focusing on sustainable catering with locally sourced, organic, and seasonal food, extending to event decor and materials. 

The event industry is on the brink of a dynamic and efficient era, incorporating trends that grant unparalleled creative freedom and elevate attendee engagement. While technological innovations like AI promise increased efficiency and personalization, sustainability initiatives are also gaining prominence, aligning events with the global imperative for environmental responsibility.

Prismm is a world leader in spatial design technology, created to evolve how organizations and people connect, collaborate, and transact across virtual environments and experiences, Prismm enables clients to plan, design, and visualize spaces in unity with clients, changing how they market and sell to a global audience. Businesses can now plan, design, and visualize spaces in unity with customers — wherever they are. 

Explore the full range of tools from Prismm, designed to enhance your event and venue planning, sales, marketing, and showcasing. CONTACT US FOR A DEMO.

Learn more about Prismm
